Hello all, (despite the fact that I doubt that there’ll be anyone reading my blog)
It’s probably customary to introduce myself, and my blog
I’m an architectural student of INDA-(International Program in Design and Architecture), Chulalongkorn University of Thailand,
...and I’m on my way of becoming (hopefully)
someone in the design field.. one day... yes...one day.
Here I’m doing this blog as a way of submitting my work for my instructors
but wait,... I’ve always have this hidden passion and dream of working as a columnist for a magazine.
So hey, what’s a great substitution :D
thus, I thought to myself, I might just keep doing this blog thing for my other interests (not all about architecture/design)
so please... if you happen to be someone out there, who is reading my blog..
please comment if you wish, let’s communicate and gives feedbacks
I would appreciate it very much :)
Welcome to an insight on my life in an architectural school!