วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556

Empty Space vs. Empty form..

The concept of "Empty Space" and "Empty form" is not the case of something that is quite clean cut. In themselves lie ambiguity and thus, explaining the ideas let alone expressing the ideas can largely depends on the individuals and the personal understanding of each person. Personally from my understanding, "Empty form" is harder to create than "Empty space", what is considered an "Empty space" is not always necessary an "Empty form".

 "Empty space" is talking more about the physicality of a particular space, as when it is seen as empty, like an abandoned building as no one inhabits it, In the order for a space to be an "Empty space" it can be seen that there's an absence of people, nevertheless, this absence is present  because an empty space has a defined "function" which in a way, "restrict" the building from being more "flexible" for other possible usage, hence, when the space is too restrictive, it can fail to survive through social or even environmental changes unlike other buildings that are more adaptive, which in a way, closer in being an "Empty form".

 One example of a building that is an empty space but not yet an empty form is "The Crown Hall" by Mies van der Rohe, The Crown Hall was designed with an intention in being an "empty form" which actually communicates multiple functions and being highly adaptive to many uses and it was well on the way in becoming an empty form as it has no previous "sign" that would tie it to a particular usage. However, as it turned out today, The Crown Hall is more or less and "Empty space" as even though the physicality of the actual space inside allows for a number of possible activities, the fact that it is so restrictive in that you can't touch the glass surface or else they'll have to replace the whole frame due to the stain you'll make or you can't stick anything on the wall except for a special kind of tape that will not ruin the surface. Hence, due to these restrictions, despite the hall, not having the "designated function" in its ultra simple form which represents the utmost flexibility and being very adaptable, this absence in the visual sign which the users would use to define the function of the space is one of the good qualities that an empty form should have. Nevertheless, due to the materiality and finishing of The Crown Hall, it limits the users from doing all those possible activities in their minds and thus, resulting in the building becoming only an "empty space" and at the same time, it can be said, a new sign is imprinted on to it, as a place for architectural students. 

 However, an empty building which is considered as an "Empty space" could becomes an "Empty form".  It can be argued whether we can create an "Empty form" or not since "Empty forms" will be determined through the usage of the space by the inhabitants. As architects, we can try to design spaces that allow itself to be used as an "Empty form", that space would have multiples interpretations and uses by the users that the physicality of it would not be the factor that defines its possible functions. In other words, if human recognizes the "sign" of each function through a kind of "physical representation" or "symbol" then an Empty form would ideally, has no "sign" that would tied it to a particular function or the signs existed would not be related to the actual functions of the space, this absence of a still, restrictive visual sign would  gives the freedom for the users to invent the new functions for the space. hence, Empty form is, in a way unpredictable in terms of how people would interact or use the space, thus, "newness" can be created through an "Empty form".

An example of  a successful empty form is the "Memorial to the Murdered Jews" by Peter Eisenman, as it's clear that despite the rather heavy concept, through the design which implies no "visual sign" that would link to the idea of death too obviously, multiple responses can be seen from the people interacting with the space, which is what Eisenman wanted. The space is so flexible and adaptive that it can house a wide range of activities and that the "visual signs" that defines its concept or functions is absence or too varied to be capture in a single shot, like a blurry photograph, the object is moved too fast and at times appeared "invisible", that is what an Empty form is, based on my understanding.

The Crown Hall has no "visual sign" that would determines its usage.

However, its many restrictions and rules prevent it from being an "Empty Form".

The Memorail to the Murdered Jews has no obvious visual signs that tied it to
 a function,thus, the users are left with the freedom to create their owns.

As a result, multiple reactions are created; walking on the blocks, sitting or even, fashion shooting

